About the BID

This is Clapham is a Business Improvement District (BID), established in October 2014 following a successful ballot in accordance with the Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004.

The BID’s overarching aim is to improve Clapham as a place to work, live, visit and do business.

Our work is focused around four key themes, which are promote, enhance, safe and connect. Under these themes the BID delivers projects such as free business recycling, additional street cleaning, local area marketing and reducing crime and anti-social behaviour.

This is Clapham is a not-for-profit company funded by 400 businesses and governed by volunteers from the local business community through its Board and sub-groups. These volunteers determine which projects to pursue and how the collected levies and any additional income is spent.

All businesses with a rateable value of over £11,249 are required to pay the levy to help finance This is Clapham. The levy rate is 1.5% of the rateable value of the commercial premises. Businesses with a license to sell alcohol beyond midnight pay a higher levy rate of 2.40%. Charities receive an 70% discount.

This is Clapham also raises income from external sources to supplement the BID levy including sponsorship, Lambeth

Council and the Mayor of London. This income is spent in the area on priorities identified by the local business community.

Click the link below to download a copy of the This is Clapham BID Articles of Association.

Articles of Association
