Clapham BID Renewal Ballot
About This is Clapham Business Improvement District (BID)
In 2014, the businesses voted to form a BID for Clapham and This is Clapham started it’s first 5 year term.
In February 2024 businesses supported the BID for a further 5 year term. The percentage of votes cast in favour was 77% and 87% by rateable value. The turnout was 46%. A full breakdown of the result can be found on Lambeth Council’s website here.

What does the future look like for This is Clapham BID?
After much consultation with the businesses in Clapham we have developed a proposed 5 year delivery plan, you can read this below.
BID Boundary Map
If your business is within the boundary marked below

Do I get to vote?
All businesses that will be liable to pay the mandatory levy will have the opportunity to vote in January 2024. If your business premises is within the geographic boundary outlined and included on the street list and your rateable value is above £11,249 you will be sent a Notification of Ballot on 11th December and then a ballot paper on 8th January 2024.

Street List
- Aristotle Road
- Bedford Road
- Bromells Road
- Carpenter’s Place
- Cato Road
- Charlotte Row
- Clapham Common Northside
- Clapham Common Southside
- Clapham High Street
- Clapham Manor Street
- Clapham Park Road
- Clapham Road
- Clement Avenue
- Cranmer Court
- Cresset Street
- Edgeley Road
- Fenwick Place
- Gauden Road
- Grafton Square
- Landor Road
- Lendal Terrace
- Lillieshall Road
- Lydon Road
- Nelsons Row
- North Street
- Old Town
- Orlando Road
- Polygon
- Prescott Place
- Rectory Grove
- Scout Lane
- St Lukes Avenue
- Stonhouse Street
- The Pavement
- Tremadoc Road
- Venn Street
- Levy rules

Levy Rules
The BID Levy is a mandatory charge. It is applied to all non-domestic ratepayers of rated hereditaments in the Clapham BID Area that have a Rateable Value greater than £11,249 in the 2017 Valuation list. The BID Levy multipliers are: –
1.5% for daytime businesses
2.4% for licensed late-night alcohol led premises and those serving hot food takeaway after midnight.
1% for properties in a designated Key Industrial Business Area
The BID levy rate can be amended on an annual basis in line with inflation, at a rate to be agreed by the Clapham BID board, and not exceeding the national Retail Price Index (RPI).
Exceptions to the BID Levy Rules
- Central list properties that are not in the local rating list.
- Advertising Rights – Valuation Office Analysis Code CA, CA1.
- Telephone Masts
- Kiosks
- Residential Estate Offices
- Schools
- Car parks and car parking places
- Outdoor Street Markets

Want to know more?
We understand you might have more questions so we have created a few FAQs
We would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to discuss anything about the BID and Clapham and of course the ballot itself. Please do get in touch 020 7622 5905
Timeline for Renewal Ballot
11th December
Every business eligible to vote receives a Notification of Ballot with a hard copy of the BID Proposal
8th January 2024
Ballot papers should arrive at your business premises by post
2nd February
Replacement ballot papers can be issued
8th February
Closing date for the ballot. ALL ballot papers must reach Lambeth Town Hall by 5pm in order to be counted
9th February
Announcement of the ballot result at Lambeth Town Hall
1st April 2024
Upon successful outcome of the ballot, the third BID term begins for This is Clapham BID

Who is “This is Clapham” and what is a BID?
This is Clapham is a Business Improvement District (BID). BIDs are regulated by the Local Gvernment Act 2003 and the BID Regulations 2004. There are over 330 BIDs nationally with over 70 in London.
Business Improvement Districts are not for profit organisations that are funded by and represent the businesses within an area. Monies raised through the mandatory annual levy and other funding is spent locally to support businesses and improve the location of the area.
This is Clapham was established in 2014 by a ballot of the businesses for a 5-year term. There was a renewal ballot held in 2019 and on each occasion, This is Clapham BID secured a positive result for a further 5-year term.
In January 2024 businesses will be invited to support its continuation for a further 5 years. If the BID is not supported for a third term the company will be closed by 31st March 2024 and all BID activities and services will cease.
Who votes in the BID ballot and what happens if you don’t vote?
In accordance with BID Regulations 2004, businesses that are subject to the mandatory levy when the new term commences in April 2024, are entitled to one vote per hereditament (legal definition “a unit of property”). The BID will be renewed and will therefore continue if there is a majority vote by number AND by rateable value. This means, there must be more votes cast in favour than against (by number) AND of those, the total size (by RV) of hereditaments in favour must also be greater than those voting against.
Is the ballot confidential?
Yes, the ballot will be managed by Lambeth Council the legal ‘accountable authority’ in accordance with the BID Regulations 2004. The votes remain entirely confidential.
Does the BID replace Council Services?
No, all projects and services delivered by This is Clapham are in addition to those delivered by the Council. This is Clapham will agree a baseline agreement which clearly states what services Lambeth Council deliver to the area so that the BID can add to and in some cases enhance these existing services.
How much do I pay?
Retail and leisure businesses in the specific BID area with a rateable value (RV) of £11,249 and above are subject to the BID Levy. The annual levy is proportionate to the size of the premises occupied by the business and the percentage payable is calculated according to the sector.
1.5% for daytime businesses
2.4% for licensed late-night alcohol led premises and those serving hot food takeaway after midnight
1% for properties in a designated Key Industrial Business Area
The average levy payable across all 442 businesses will be £819 per annum raising an annual total of £320,000 to be spent on initiatives that support Clapham and the local businesses.
How is the BID Levy collected?
The BID Levy is collected by Lambeth Council through their outsourced contractor Capita and then passed to the BID.
How will my business benefit?
The BID Business Plan sets out the business support and services available. This includes access to a free allocation of recycling and discounted rates thereafter, along with free access to networking events and free access for all your employees to the Clapham Card giving you discounts with local businesses. This is Clapham also delivers investment in place making and public realm improvements, marketing, lobbying for the town. Strategically we regularly meet with Met Police, Lambeth Council and lobby TfL and Network Rail giving a voice to Clapham. Your individual contribution also enables the BID to secure additional investment in the town.
How do you know what is good for my business?
The BID team are dedicated to support and growth of Clapham. Over the last 10 years, we have responded flexibly and innovatively to the circumstances that have affected Clapham, allowing you to focus on managing your business knowing there is a team having the broader conversations. We undertake regular consultations with businesses and are also available by phone or email to respond to your concerns and ideas. The voluntary Board of Directors represent different sizes and sectors of businesses within Clapham.
Where can I find more information?
Full details of the BID area, costs, breakdown of streets covered by BID and the levy arrangements are detailed in the BID Business Plan 2024-2029, which can be found with other information on this website. Alternatively, please call 020 7622 5905 or email and we will be happy to send you a copy or help with any further information.
How do I vote?
Ballot papers will be sent to every business address to arrive on 8th January 2024. The ballot paper will be yellow and the envelope will be marked with This is Clapham Ballot paper enclosed.
All you need to do is put a cross is your chosen box, write your name and your position confirming you are eligible to vote on behalf of the business and then sign the paper. A prepaid addressed envelope is included for the return of the ballot paper to Lambeth Council.
We strongly advise you to complete and return your ballot paper as soon as you receive it so it does not get lost as issuing a replacement is not straightforward.
I have not received or have lost my ballot paper
If for whatever reason your ballot paper does not arrive or goes missing please do contact us. We encourage all businesses to have their say and so we will work with you to arrange for a replacement to be issued.
Replacement ballot papers can only be issued on Friday 2nd February and evidence of your identity will be required before this time.