How much will it cost me?

Clapham Vote 2019

In the first five years, the BID raised and invested approximately £1.125 million to make our vibrant area a brighter, cleaner and safer environment. In February, any business with a rateable value above £11,249 is eligible to vote and will be liable to pay one of the following percentage figures on the rateable value of the property (in addition to business rates) –

  • 1.5% for daytime businesses
  • 2.4% for licensed late night alcohol led premises and those serving hot food takeaway after midnight
  • 1% for properties in a designated Key Industrial Business Area

This means that if your RV is £11,249, your levy will be –

  • £180 per year for daytime businesses
  • £270 licensed late night alcohol led premises and those serving hot food takeaway after midnight
  • £112 for properties in a designated Key Industrial Business Area
Vote 2019