Lambeth living wage

We want to be recognised as a place where people are paid enough to cover the actual costs of London Living & be part of building a dynamic local economy.
Lambeth Council is delighted to bring together businesses and employers to mark the Launch of Becoming a Living Wage Place and the announcement of the newly created Living Wage Business Grant.
Lambeth employers are invited to register to join Lambeth’s Living Wage Place & Living Wage Business Grant Breakfast Launch on the 17th October. 

Lambeth Council is on a journey to make the borough a Living Wage Place, a recognition awarded to places that address in-work poverty by making the Living Wage a norm.

The Living Wage is the only hourly wage rate that reflects the actual cost of living. By paying the Living Wage, employers make a commitment to pay people enough to cover the actual costs of living and play a role in tackling in-work poverty. By becoming a Living Wage Place, we will build a more dynamic, inclusive and equitable local economy.

To find out more CLICK HERE

Posted in Business news