Hire me my way!

Join leading employers who are waking up to ‘flexible hiring.’

A new campaign called Hire Me My Way is calling on all employers to open up their jobs to flexibility from the point of recruitment.

Why? Because it will help businesses unblock the talent pipeline, by attracting and progressing skilled employees who cannot work in a traditional full-time job.

People have changed the way they work, but the recruitment market hasn’t caught up with the employment market. Over half of UK employees work part-time or flexibly, but they face huge challenges when it comes to job mobility and career progression. Research suggests that less than 1 in 10 jobs at £20K+ FTE are advertised as being open to flexible working options. The result is that many people get stuck in jobs below their skill level, or even opt out of the workforce altogether.

So why does flexible hiring matter to your business?

Flexible hiring can give your business a competitive advantage by attracting a wide and diverse pool of talent, in the same way that flexible working can help retain good people. It can also improve mobility within your business – enabling successful employees who work flexibly to apply for promotion, rather than staying trapped at the lower levels of your pipeline. And in maximising employees’ skills, this will ultimately optimise performance and productivity.

Take a look at the leading UK businesses which have already joined the Hire Me My Way campaign, to play a part in growing the flexible job market. If your organisation is interested in joining the campaign – find out more here.

Hire Me My Way aims to kick off a new chapter in UK recruitment – one of transparency, honesty and fairness for all job applicants – no matter what pattern they need to work, or why. We hope you will join us on this exciting journey.

Posted in Business news